After completing this course the learner will be able to plan a competency-based blended learning course, using a variety of online resources and learner activities, and blending it effectively with traditional methods of teaching.
- टीचर: Anshu .
- टीचर: Anupama Gupta
- टीचर: Abhishek Raut
This course is to orient teachers for developing course using MOODLE.
This is a complementary course developed for the Advance workshop on MCQ Construction and Item analysis
- Resource person: Anshu .
- Resource person: Pradeep Bokariya
- Resource person: Anupama Gupta
- Resource person: Sonia Jain
- Resource person: Ashwini Kalantri
- Resource person: Ruchi Kothari
- Resource person: Abhishek Raut